We Heal Together


TY-ELEnergy Worker
Ty is a certified spiritual healer but prefers to ditch the labels. Ty’s passion is in empowerment and his highest priority is measurable results.

About Ty

Ty is a direct channel for his universal higher self. Ty uses a unique combination of healing modalities in alignment with his multidimensional higher aspects which help to shift discordant energies and bring in light codes appropriate for deep healing.

Diagnosed with what doctors prognosed as a “terminal and incurable” neurological condition, Ty spent a number of years completely absorbed into the Western medical system – a system that offered no viable options. Disturbed with crippling pain and severe depression and not finding help from traditional health care, he was forced to search deeper for answers. Intuitively knowing that there had to be options, he eventually stumbled upon energy healing. This discovery sparked hope and excitement and Ty absorbed every bit of available literature and guidance to learn more about this powerful healing idea. He quickly realized the massive manipulations that take place in mainstream health and has vowed to expose powerful self-empowerment techniques to as many people as possible.

Over the years Ty’s focus has been on healing himself, often uncovering techniques rarely, if ever, shared by other energy practitioners. Although he is nothing special, Ty does specialize in bridging wisdom and light from unique realms and realities and helps others to integrate these permission slips into their own empowerment models.

Ty tries not to take himself too seriously so please remind him of this if he forgets… and man is it weird to write about yourself in the third person! 🙂

What Is “Light Language”?

What Are “Light Codes”?

Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate nisi quis libero vehicula, eget porttitor quam hendrerit. Proin eget leo sapien. Nullam posuere ultricies ligula, id maximus enim luctus porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed laoreet ultrices efficitur. Integer libero ante, mollis in imperdiet id, tempus sed mauris. Praesent eget aliquet quam. Vivamus eu sodales odio. Maecenas vitae blandit sem. Morbi pulvinar eros nec posuere vulputate. Ut porta sed sem nec sollicitudin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate nisi quis libero vehicula, eget porttitor quam hendrerit. Proin eget leo sapien. Nullam posuere ultricies ligula, id maximus enim luctus porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed laoreet ultrices efficitur. Integer libero ante, mollis in imperdiet id, tempus sed mauris. Praesent eget aliquet quam. Vivamus eu sodales odio. Maecenas vitae blandit sem. Morbi pulvinar eros nec posuere vulputate. Ut porta sed sem nec sollicitudin